Climate and resource efficiency

Climate and resource efficiency

Significant climate changes have been detected in Latvia and other Northeastern states. The effects of climate change to cause environmental and social changes, increasing the risks of various extents, for instance, flooding or coastal erosion, that are likely to cause not only economic loss but also impose threats of damaging health and safety.

In 2008 the European Parliament developed the European Union’s Climate Change package for mitigation of the negative climate change effects, which aims for 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, 20% improvement in energy efficiency, and 20% increase of renewable energy sources in the share of energy to of the total energy production by 2020.

In 2015, the Association “Baltic Coasts” initiated the implementation of the project “LIFE REstore – Sustainable and responsible management and re-use of degraded peatlands in Latvia” in cooperation with Nature Conservation Agency, Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”, Association of Latvia peat manufacturer.